Комментарий DX staff member

Форум по покупкам в интернете.

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Комментарий DX staff member

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Долгожитель форума

Всего сообщений: 221
Рейтинг пользователя: 0


Дата регистрации на форуме:
10 окт. 2009
Судя по всему - старую команду саппорта частично разогнали и набирают новых сотрудников (ну и еще месяц-полтора будут их обучать).

В двух словах - обещают, что все будет хорошо.

In October, DX was having a 8-day national holiday and countless empty orders due to Paypal's interface defect at the end of Sept. That's why all complaints seemed to burst in this period, a period that complaining tickets raised to twice as much as what it used to be.

By working day and night after back from holiday, till today(Sat, Oct31, 2009) DX has processed most of the delayed orders and everything should be back to normal in the next two weeks. We are expanding the customer service team as well as the product team so we actually are not that "greedy" or "inresponsive". We know the pain. But we just got to do everything step by step.

I understand that all the above sounds like an excuse for being slow or whatever that unsatisfies our customers, but that was the fact we've been through and we actually are happy to see that people have expectation on DX so there is no reason we don't make it better for all of you.

A good warm up will result in great speed :)
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